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Karl gives you what you want... the way you want it!
Here's a small sample of what teachers take back to the classroom:
completed action-idea form
personal growth mind map
points-to-ponder list
changemaker contract
4-no more list
feedback checklist
personal growth kit
four... no more form
sayings to say list
101 ways to say good for you
wonderwords list
plus... handouts galore...
Not to worry. These life-changing presentations are filled with fun, tons of motivational moments, practical - usable information and life-loving grins. Learning can be fun!
The # 1's...
#1 way to get and hold attention
#1 way to insure student success
#1 communication skill of a teacher
#1 question each student asks
#1 way to teach a concept
#1 way to create likability
#1 way to fight boredom
#1 way to increase retention
#1 way fight fear in the classroom
Workshops range from 3 to 6 hours in length depending on the one you choose.
The number and the specific teaching techniques and skills will also be based on the workshop you choose. Karl will customize your workshop to specifically address your wants and worries.
Karl provides realistic solutions to problems facing teachers today. He emphasizes result-oriented strategies that work day in and day out.
Bore-No-More Workshops
Karl designs each workshop based on your specific needs and concerns. He asks four thought-provoking questions to help determine what you need and why you need it. You'll be impressed with the answers and the results.
The best and most productive workshop ever!
Stop Dropouts...
Teachers Drop Out... too!
You Get More Than You Expect...
These bore-no-more workshops emphasize creating measurable results. They are all about "Doing the Right Thing Right!"
Terrific Teacher Training Workshop... Dont' Worry... this won't hurt much! Using Your Brain.... for a Change! Unlimit Your Life... Keeping Your Drive Alive... Who Cares? The First Three Days of School... Delightful or Disaster! Learning for Life Lessons... 7C's to Success... The Bore-NO-More Classroom...
What You Get... You'll get the most exciting... action-packed and result-oriented workshop you have ever experienced!
It's Guaranteed!
Boring? No Way!!!
Here's a sample of the "Teaching Tools" each teaher will take back to the classroom:
Take a LOOK....
Remember... all our workshops are guaranteed to give you what you want... the way you want it or you owe nothing...
You'll love the Workshops that Work™ Series.
Workshops that Work™!
Need a Speaker? Need an exciting presenter and presentation for your next conference or convention? How about someone to kick-start the opening day of school. Need a keynote address to get your group motivated and keep them motivated all year long? If so, keep reading.
If you're looking for someone to get your group headed in the right direction and off on the right foot, look no further... Karl is your man!
No... it's not! It's not the same old should'a, could'a, ought'a stuff you've heard before. Each presentation is focused on innovative and practical information and skills to rekindle each participant's enthusiasm and excitement for teaching and learning.
Participants laugh, learn and leave each presentation with much more than motivation. They leave with life-changing skills they'll share and use for a lifetime.
"The best way to help our students is to work on ourselves." That's our motto for each workshop... getting better by learning more and "doing" more!
These presentations are guaranteed to make your conference or convention a BIG Success! Why? Because each presentation is centered around how to "Change". It's always about learning how to "Change" and take "Action"!
Nothing happens until "Change" takes place. Right? Hey, that's the purpose for a convention or conference... to give participants new and exciting information and make them better. The key is to give each participant the tools to implement what has been learned. But... that is the major problem that is never addressed. Implementation... Action... Change!
Using Your Brain... for a Change!
The Bored of Education...
Making Your Best Better...
Change Your Mind and Keep the Change...
Questions are the Answer...
I Want to Change, But I Don't Know How!
Unlimit Your Life...
What Matters Most...
These presentations will get your group going and keep it going.
From the first moments of the presentation, teachers know Karl cares, and they count.
His highly participatory style is finely tuned to make each teacher the focal point of the learning experience. With the down-to-earth information taught schools become "Success Centers."
Teachers learn the secrets to ignite the love of learning in each student. They even learn to outsmart failure-prone students. Creating lifelong learners and the love of learning for a lifetime is the primary goal of each presentation.
Sign up to get three free "Learning for Life" lessons from 101 HandyHandouts
Great ideas you'll love to share!
Your email address will remain completely private and will never be given away for any purpose, EVER!
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If you are tired of "worthless workshops"... ones that bore you to tears with irrelevant gobble-dee-gook, get ready for a pleasant surprise.
The Workshops that Really Work Workshopsare designed with one word in mind. Results!
These fun-filled and informative workshops are stuffed, stacked and double-packed with down-to-earth ideas and information to get teachers inspired and keep them inspired all year long.
Teachers leave with innovative and practical teaching tools they'll use the very next day and for the rest of their teaching careers!
Teacher burnout will be a thing of the past. Teachers feel a whole new sense of passion and pride.
Teaching becomes what it should be... a joy instead of just a job!
You'll see the difference immediately.
Hey! It's fun, too!
If you need help creating a classroom where teachers and students want to be, you've come to the right place!
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
I need a:
Karl this is what I need:
Look up a date:
Thank you for your interest. Please provide the requested information in the form below. My primary goal is the help create a school where teachers and students want to be. This love for teaching and learning is created and kindled by providing the most innovative and effective teaching tools available today.
Karl Davidson
Karl, Please give me a call so we can discuss my opinions.
Copyright 2010 - Karl Davidson Training and Consulting Company - A Division of the Karl and Cassie Company - All rights reserved.
Karl is a trainer, coach and good guy, you'll see. He is a veteran educator with over 25 years as an educator in the "world's largest failure warehouse"... the Texas Prison System. This unique experience qualifies Karl to deal with teachers who teach failure-prone students and success seekers alike. He served as a teacher, counselor, supervisor and administrator.
Karl is sought after because of his passion for relevant, practical and innovative teaching techniques and tools. His highly participatory style, without fear, is finely tuned to make each teacher the focal point of the learning experience.
From the first minute of his presentation, you know there is something different and unique. You feel the difference because of Karl's emphasis on results. His favor motto is... "It's not what you know. It's what you DO with what you know that counts!"
Making change happen is what Karl is all about. With the Terrific Teacher Workshops, teacher leave with tools they will implement and use for a lifetime.
* My hair is a little grayer, and my smile a lot bigger!
Click on one of the links below to see a brochure relating to that workshop.
Want to learn more about becoming the teacher you were meant to be?
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Focus on practical results
The Content is Needs Based
Each year thousands of students drop out of school... some physically... many more mentally. Boredom, fear of failure and embarrassment, lack of relevancy and purpose destroy their love for learning. Teachers learn to apply the C.A.R.E. Model to outsmart dropouts!
Teaching is Heroes Work! In order to keep their drive alive, teachers must learn how to get the "positive feedback" they need to keep going day after day.
Karl gives you exactly what you want the way you want it. How?
By pinpointing your needs and concerns. Then creating a concise and measurable list of each outcome you can expect. The outcomes are 100% Guaranteed!